Christianae reipublicae

Δὲν ἐννοῶ τὴ «Χριστιανικὴ Δημοκρατία» τοῦ μασωνομάχου Ψαρουδάκη, ποὺ (μαζὶ μὲ τοὺς σημερινοὺς συνεχιστές του) σὰν παντογνώστης  προτεστάντης πάστορας  κατακεραύνωνε τοὺς «ὑποκριτὲς χριστιανοὺς τῆς Δεξιᾶς», μόνο καὶ μόνο  γιὰ νὰ μερακλώνει σήμερα ὁ Μπόλαρης διαλέγοντας ὡραῖες γυναῖκες γιὰ τὸ γραφεῖο του -ἔτσι εἶναι οἱ ἁγνοὶ Ἀριστεροί, δὲν εἶναι δεξιοὶ ὑποκριτές, τὰ ἀποενοχοποιοῦν ὅλα καὶ ἔπειτα τὰ κάνουν χωρὶς νὰ κρύβονται. Ἀλλὰ ἐννοῶ τὴ χριστιανικὴ δημοκρατία τοῦ Πάπα Κλήμεντα ΙΓ΄, μιὰ ἐγκύκλιο γιὰ τὰ «ἀντιχριστιανικὰ γραπτά». Καὶ τί ὑποστηρίζουν αὐτὰ τὰ γραπτά;

They deny God even though He makes Himself known everywhere and comes before their eyes daily, not because of the dullness of their mind, but only on the urging of their depraved will. Or else they represent God Himself as lazy and indolent. They do not respect His providence nor do they fear His justice. They preach with a detestable and insane freedom of thought that the origin and nature of our soul is mortal although it was created in the image of the supreme creator little lower than the angels. Whether they think matter has been created or foolishly imagine that it is eternal and independent of the causes, they consider that nothing else exists in this universe. Or else if they are forced to admit that spirit exists with matter, they exclude the soul from the spirit’s heavenly nature. They are unwilling to understand that in this very weakness of which we are formed something spiritual and incorruptible abides in us. By its power we know, act, will, look to the future, attend to the present, and remember the past. […] On the other hand, there are others who…ridicule the faith of simple people. They lay open the mysteries of God. They rashly discourse on questions concerning the highest matters. The bold mind of the enquirer takes everything for itself, examines everything, reserves nothing for faith, and deprives faith of merit by seeking proof for it in human reason.

Οἱ ἐπίσκοποί του:

It is necessary to fight bitterly, as the situation requires, and to eradicate with all our strength the deadly destruction caused by such books.

Τὰ ὁποῖα

Well and cunningly written these books are always with us and forever within our reach. They travel with us, stay at home with us, and enter bedrooms which would be shut to their evil and deception.

Χρειάζεται ἑνότητα κράτους-ἐκκλησίας:

call to your aid when it is necessary the time-honored piety of Catholic leaders. Explain the cause of the Church’s sorrow and arouse its beloved sons who have always served it well on many occasions to bring their help. Since they do not carry the sword without cause, urge them with the united authority of state and of priesthood, to vigorously rout those accursed men who fight against the armies of Israel.

Κυρίως ὅμως:

Reveal to the faithful the wolves which are demolishing the Lord’s vineyard. They should be warned not to allow themselves to be ensnared by the splendid writing of certain authors in order to halt the diffusion of error by cunning and wicked men. In a word, they should detest books which contain elements shocking to the reader; which are contrary to faith, religion, and good morals; and which lack an atmosphere of Christian virtue.

Ὅλα αὐτὰ τὸ 1766, λίγες δεκαετίες προτοῦ, μετὰ τὸν Προτεσταντισμό, προκύψει τὸ οὐδετερόθρησκο κράτος, αὐτὸ ποὺ στὶς μέρες μας ἔφερε τὸ Ἰσλὰμ στὴν Εὐρώπη.

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2 Responses to Christianae reipublicae

  1. Ο/Η α.κ. λέει:

    δεν καταλαβαινω. Επικροτειτε την εγκυκλιο αυτη, ή οχι;

    Μου αρέσει!

    • Ο/Η Χρονογραφίες λέει:

      Τίποτε ἀπὸ τὰ δύο. Μ’ ἀρέσει νὰ παρατηρῶ μιὰ νοοτροπία ὅπως αὐτὴ ἐκφράζεται διὰ τῶν ἐκπροσώπων της λίγο προτοῦ ἡττηθεῖ καὶ περιθωριοποιηθεῖ. Τὴν ἐποχὴ ἐκείνη τὸ παιχνίδι ἦταν χαμένο. Τὴν ἐκκοσμίκευση τὴν εἶχαν ἤδη ἄλλωστε προωθήσει τὸ παπικὸ κράτος, ὁ ἀραβικὸς Ἀριστοτέλης στὴ Δύση, καὶ οἱ θρησκευτικοὶ πόλεμοι. Σὲ 30 χρόνια ἀπὸ τὸ 1766 κατέστρεφαν δυτικὲς ἐκκλησίες καὶ τὶς μετέτρεπαν σὲ ναοὺς τῆς Λογικῆς καὶ τοῦ Ὑπέρτατου Ὄντος.

      Μου αρέσει!
